Onkyo Service Center Delhi
Onkyo Products Service, Repair & Installation all are done by experienced and qualified engineers

We are an Onkyo service centre in Delhi.
For more than fifty years, the name Onkyo is recognized as the best in home entertainment. And today, even amid during in growing and often confusing technology, these components still fulfil the vision that originally motivated Saul Onkyo to improve the sensory horizons of even the most demanding music lover.
Unique AV Electronics is an Onkyo service centre in Delhi for all Onkyo products. We service and repair them all, old and new, tube and solid – state.
Many Onkyo amplifiers and receivers are still going strong even after a few decades of use. We repair the old classics, such as 2265, 2270, and others, as well as the separate power amplifiers and tuners as well.